This curated bibliography is part of the Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network (LiKEN) Knowledge Sharing Network: Climate Education Centering Indigenous Knowledge Systems project, which is intended to develop Indigenous Peoples-/Places-centered climate education resources for educators and students with an intended focus on supporting Indigenous Youth and preK-16 educators who wish to incorporate these scientific, literary, and narrative knowledges into curriculum. The literature list is comprised of publicly-accessible citations which were based on recommendations from a Council of Indigenous Scientist and Educators, as well as contributions from the Rising Voices Center for Indigenous Earth and Sciences network, and broadly reference Indigenous Climate Change perception, adaptation, and education (preK-16), and is published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. Each entry includes keywords developed by the compilation team and an author(s)’ abstract if available. This bibliography does not contain culturally-sensitive nor extractive data. It is not an exhaustive list, but rather is meant to be an openly accessible foundation for continued literary review and development to promote continued inclusion of highly-usable resources for students, educators, and leaders, in partnership with Indigenous Peoples, with the core values of: Sovereignty, Relationality, and Responsibility.

A “second edition” of this bibliography is planned to be produced in 2023, which will advance the design of this work, optimize and ensure that all citations are properly formatted and updated, and incorporate continued recommendations and acknowledgements, and hopefully include and inspire many more Indigenous Scientists, Educators, and Peoples advancing Indigenous Climate Education.

If you would like to submit a correction, addition, or contribute to this bibliography, please fill out the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/xDzSnzDQziU1BbYZ9

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“Indigenous Climate Education Bibliography” by The Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial  4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0.)


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